Wednesday 20 August 2014

How to keep your sight

If you suffer from a serious eye diseases, but you spend most time in front of the computer, you can try the following traditional recipes. They will really sharpen your vision and improve your mood. And no wonder with more persistence to get rid of the glasses.
To improve vision in a daily drink half a glass of cranberry juice.

Eat blueberries in any kind-fresh, like a pickle, as sweet.

Drink 2 times a day before meals in half a cup of tincture of parsley. Prepare it in the following way: pour one tablespoon (equal) parsley with one cup of hot water, leave on for an hour and strain. Keep in mind that parsley is contraindicated in acute nephritis and cystitis.

When visually impaired will help tincture of raspberry leaves-assumed to be both internally and in the form of poultices. Prepare so: one tablespoon of raw material is the Bay with one cup of hot water for 20 minutes and strain. Take one cup of 2-3 times a day.

For older people it is useful at night to inhale pharmacy  tincture

To preserve your eyesight in old age in the evening before bedtime inhale pharmacy tincture of Valerian. 10 breaths with each nostril and you will get great relief.

Your vision can be improved with goat's milk and whey (cvik) from him. Mix in equal proportions with cold boiled water and  2 drops in each eye. Then put a dark dressing and lie still for half an hour, without turning his eyeballs apples. Do this procedure for one week at a time of day. Your vision will improve markedly, because the eye lens will dial the required strength.

Black blueberries improve blood supply to the eye retina

and thus "flare up" vision. See how to prepare a tincture of black berries: pour 2 tablespoons dried berries with 400 ml of hot water and allow to stand for two hours. Take a quarter Cup 5 times a day.

Mix in equal parts of the herb očanka (pharmacy), petals of cornflower (maybe without it, if you don't have at the moment) and seeds of fennel. Mix well and pour 2 teaspoons of the mixture with one cup of hot water. Leave the mixture to stand for 2 hours, then filter through a sterile gauze.  every day at 2 drops in the eyes. You can also wash the same tincture twice a day.

Citrus fruits also help to restore sight

The patient with low vision for three days eating only 500 g 500 g of mandarins and oranges, plus fluids. Menu for those 3 days constitutes 3 kilograms of citrus fruit and liquid. On the fourth day, to their amazement, she started to see without glasses.

Oranges, however, are contraindicated in ulcer of stomach and duodenum, and with gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice.

You can try the following-drain through gauze juice of black berries and dilute with distilled water in the ratio 1: 2. of this liquid in 5 drops in the morning before you wash your face. The authors of this recipe claim that will soon forget about glasses.

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