Friday, 25 July 2014

Clean water and vaccines are a guarantee for good health

the last century, analyzed and concluded that the greatest impact on the health status of the population are found and. .. clean water and vaccines. It is these facts from the medicine must reach the population in all countries around the world. "

"Look at the curve of lower morbidity and mortality after vaccination of hepatitis a in the United States, explains Dr. Bogart. -Now this curve practically stops to scratch. Let's imagine the following situation-we only got people from the risk group.
If it's enough, when almost 70% of the sources of infection and more accurate ways of transmission of infection and so far are unknown? How to fight with the enemy if we don't know who he is? The most effective strategy for the protection of the population from this disease is universal vaccination! "says in conclusion the expert.

Is there a way to completely eradicate this virus

If in 1999 the level of morbidity were alongside the countries of Africa, we are now at the level of countries of Scandinavia. 100 thousand population marks only 0.9% morbidity.

"We in Israel have made calculations, we assumed that the first victims of blast  are usually children up to 5 years old who are in kindergarten and -Professor says. When they collide with the hepatitis a virus, they themselves are not active, but separate the virus with the stool and create a high risk of infection in adults. Children carry the virus and home and infected parents. From all this we came to the conclusion that if we can protect our children up to 18 months, we will be able to completely eradicate the virus from the population. So in 1999 we started the  vaccination of all children aged up to 18 months. A year in Israel are born 130 thousands of babies, this is 3 per cent of the population of our country. Two years after the start of the vaccination a substantial incidence of hepatitis a has been lowered significantly, from 30 cases per 100,000 population and brought them to 2,3 case-share the experience of its State Prof. Šuval. -Observe the decrease of morbidity not only in the Group of children aged one to four years, but also those from 5 to 9 years; from 9 to 14 years and even adults from 15 to 44 years of age. This once again confirm our hypothesis that only 3 percent of the population, i.e. children under 18 months of age, we can completely eradicate the disease in the population.

In Israel this program is held already for 12 years and the data for last year are just 0.9 cases of illness from hepatitis a per 100 thousand of population. While in 1999 the clinical picture were on the same level of what are now the countries of Africa, we are now at the level of countries of Scandinavia, "says in conclusion Professor Šuval.

Under the guise of flu may be harming the liver infection

It comes, of course, again for the same virus of hepatitis a. Let's remind ourselves that it is an acute infectious disease, which is transmitted very easily and simply, through food and water. I.e. the source of the infection could become ordinary drinking water or poorly washed vegetables. And semi-manufactured products, selling in the stores — particularly the ready-made salads ... Therefore, 40% of all acute viral forms of hepatitis fall precisely on hepatitis a. Tricky is that disease symptoms much like the flu: fever, burning and sore throat, stuffy nose, runny nose, cough, muscle aches and. .. Incidentally, it appears that the virus of hepatitis a can be transmitted not only through water, food, blood and sex contacts, but even through the salivary and sweat glands.

When detect congenital eye diseases in young

Suffer the children up to one year of eye diseases and by who? What parents should know about these diseases?

Among children in the first year of their life, the most common are congenital eye diseases and abnormalities. In the age group of 1 to 3 years most commonly found inflammatory eye diseases,  and astigmatism, as well as the . For children from 3 to 7 years is increasing the number of, handicapped by injuries,, amblyopia, and myopia.

In recent years, when students from 7 to 13 years watching most nearsightedness, while at the same time reduce the  and amblyopia. In all of these eye diseases great role plays the hereditary predisposition. Basically this refers to such diseases as short-sightedness, long-sightedness and astigmatism. Some of the inherited diseases occur at birth, while others later.

Therefore, it is very important to make more frequent preventive examinations of children, in order not to miss the disease at an early stage, because the delay of treatment leads to dire consequences.

When the baby gets old enough and two years should be reviewed by an ophthalmologist at least six months once. The next statutory review of the eyes should be, when it's 6 years before starting school. The kids have to do preventive examinations by an ophthalmologist until continues the process of active growth and development, i.e. until the age of 15-year-old age.

In Fact!

It will be recalled that there are certain rules that must be respected. The baby's eyes are examined at birth, then a specialist should review the child of three and six months. I.e. no less than four times during his first year. As various diseases appear at different times, you need to be detected and treated. And the sooner, the better.

Wednesday, 23 July 2014

during pregnancy is discovered leukemia

n time or not, no one can say, because there is no time for this disease. And with them in the past two months the leukocytes are rising and Hematology abruptly telling them this scary diagnosis. I'm no expert, but I think it does still not have too few reviews of future mothers before the 9th month. I know, however, that many birth mothers happened to have elevated lymphocytes but not leukemia. I know Annie someone has done his job well.

-Heaven is good?

She is  a baby, it took a little bit before the term for birth. She has no health problems, except take care of her grandmother and MOM gone ... In the first rounds of chemo for a while to let Annie at home, but in the past 10 days has not been out of the hospital!

What are the predictions of the doctors?
-In the beginning were optimistic that with the first rounds of chemo, things will get better, because when many people bad  cells are cleared. When Annie, after making three courses, I still have them. That's why they need urgent bone marrow transplant as soon as they can lead to remission. Until you achieve this remission will make her  In the German hospital before transplantation will once again have to do research to be sure that you will help her. is found?
Another Bulgarian is treated in this clinic in , said that for two weeks has found a donor. Otherwise, in our situation with organ donation is scary-in Bulgarian donors are only 1500 people! Annie's relatives who become donors. Her brother died a long time ago in an accident. In this clinic is committed to finding a donor as soon as we can go to them. You know, there are 10 physicians caring for a patient at home and one hardly finds time for ten patients. I am appalled by this

How many Bulgarians collect funds

to transplant abroad. There are only people who have a donor-relative.

-Will you be able to collect the required amount?
-The means for transplantation need to gather because Annie's life depends on them. Should have the opportunity to get to grips with this insidious disease. Rather it down little kids, but that happened to Annie. Don't expect any health institution in Bulgarian to help us, that is very unfortunate. At my house there is only one team that makes such a transplant, in but no donors ISUL. The subsequent treatment is very risky not to reject the new bone marrow, you need to maintain the immune system, to monitor whether the organism will not unlock any autoimmune disease ...
-What do you want to tell the people who are trying to help you?
-Currently many people support us and I am amazed that there are so many good people in Bulgarian – our friends, acquaintances, strangers ... I believe that we will be able to raise that amount, and does not wish anyone to beg for money for your own health because it is terrible! Provided that you pay for health insurance, having to rely on the kindness of people to Ani not only to raise his daughter, but also to live!

The Consequence Of Botox Is PTOSIS

Please your consultants to explain in detail everything concerning eye disease called  PTOSIS of the eyelids. This diagnosis is given for both eyes. Receive involuntary  while I open my eyelids. My prescription medicines, which, so far, don't help me. I hope and believe the consultants-specialists from "doctor" to respond to my request.

Posits of the eyelid is drooping of upper eyelid of one or both eyes in varying degrees – explains Assoc. from barely noticeable o up to cover the entire pupil. Normally the upper eyelid covers one millimeter of the cornea. When mild  is 2 mm and the heavy-over 4 mm. Ptozata is a congenital and acquired, unilateral and bilateral. Congenital  is often unilateral and combined with other ocular abnormalities-  for example. May be present at birth, but can be appearances and during the first year of a child's life. Is an dominant inherited and shall be accompanied by a shortening of the muscles of the brow and forehead, as well as the so-called. compensating torticollis.  may be an isolated violation or to be combined with paralysis of some or all of the muscles. In the so-called. Marcus-goon syndrome closing the lower jaw is accompanied by lifting the eyelid  more than normal.

Treatment is usually surgical

The clinical picture includes a relaxation of the upper eyelid, which may hamper the view according to the degree of recovery of the cornea. Hard eye closes. Often the patients head tilt back or raise eyebrows, which causes headaches, and stretching of the neck. If the condition is not treated, can lead to the development of . A  double vision. Diagnosis is made after measuring the height of the eyelid and the power of his muscles.
Differential diagnosis is made when the  is caused by paralysis of the očedvigatelniâ nerve and from disease, received after the coat color spot cocaine solution in the  SAC. If you obtain a lifting of the eyelid for paralysis of očedvigatelniâ nerve. When acquired POSITS of the eyelid is trying nonsurgical treatment for a year and if you don't achieve the lifting is carried out surgical treatment.
On the innate  treatment is surgical. For severe , in order to avoid the development of amblyopia , surgical treatment is undertaken in the first year after the birth of the child. If a does not interfere with the vision, the surgery was postponed after puberty. The most common operation that is applied is the shortening of the muscle lifting the upper eyelid called . Under specific conditions be applied another technique: the fallen eyelid was "suspended" for the muscles, using their own tissue, for example, from the hip. So when gently lifting the forehead and eyelids are lifted.  apply various operational techniques.

Do you often complain about women from such problem

Is it possible that the pain in the mammary glands to prompts for breast cancer? I work in a large team of young and women, and often some of them complain of chest pains. It happened to me, but at the time when I'm in the cycle, and I've made the problem with that, because after the cycle I have no pain. But I still worried-well if it's cancer?

The pain in the mammary glands is a fairly common complaint among women of reproductive age and with normal menstrual cycle. Older women very rarely have such a problem. And that pain should not be associated with the cancer problem. It is possible that it is a periodic, appears and disappears every month. May be for a short time or long. It happens to complaint lasts a few weeks, even a month. But that doesn't mean that it's about cancer. What can cause pain?
hormonal changes during the menstrual period;

-fluid retention in the body, which occurs in the period around the cycle;
-damage of the mammary glands;
-infection of the mammary glands;
breast cancer is a rare cause of chest pain.

If the pain and discomfort do not disappear for a long time or periodically appear, consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will ask you a few questions to determine the cause of the pain and to choose a method of treatment, if necessary. He will ask you to describe the pain, where it occurs, you will feel your breasts to check whether there is on these seals. If you have not yet reached the age of 35 years and not ″t fingering some neoplasms, may not need to do other more serious research. However, if you have transferred the 40, the doctor will refer you to  x-ray examination of mammary glands. If the specialist has found one or more seals, would you recommend to make more than one study to establish the exact diagnosis and prescribe the proper treatment.

What are the treatment methods

They found a little ball on my left breast, did a biopsy and found that the entity was benign. I'm relieved, but a week ago I felt a discomfort in the breast several times pierced me pain and I went to my gynecologist told me that it was a hormonal basis, and prescribed me medicines. Since then it's been a year. Now the pain again began to remind me of myself and I don't know what to do. Help me!
Methods for treatment of chest pain are different and are applied depending on the cause, which creates a problem. In such a case, it is important to discuss with the doctor any possible treatment options and to choose the most optimal. Will we get a few possible ways to alleviate and treat chest pain:

-wear suitable or push-up Bra;

-intake of drugs that are available without a prescription;
-reception of some pain medications.

In some unusual cases it is possible to use other methods of treatment, for whose performance, however, there is no evidence. The doctor will advise you further:
-to limit beverages containing caffeine;
-to reduce consumption of salt;
-taking vitamin e or vitamin B6;
-to make from time to time diuretics. When you take the adequate treatment, chest pain disappears after a few months.